quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2020

Testamento africanista

"The time has come, and I want to take this opportunity to speak to France. How long have we been working on this currency? And it is at the moment when we are close to the outcome that France undertakes to force the hand (twisting the neck) of the French-speaking countries to steal the name we have chosen for the ECOWAS currency and to set up a fixed parity (the Euro).

French-speaking Africa listen to me. Wake up. You cannot keep drinking breast milk, you have teeth; become independent and stop this low-level behavior.

Alassane Dramane Ouattara, you must stop it. You have no right to sabotage all West Africa and take over the ECO. You are being disrespectful. If France disrespects you, do not drag ECOWAS into this mess. You are not allowed to do what you are doing. The ECO currency was designed by ECOWAS countries."

 Extracto das últimas palavras de Rawlings sobre o ECO.

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